Thursday, October 22, 2009

dear emir

once upon a time.. there live a beautiful lady named melly..
and a good-for-nothing bestfriend named emir~...
crap! lost my story line
btw, im not writing a fairy tale now..
it's just that im making a farewell speech.
emir is going to further he's studies at uia..he's going to study engine.
so..wont be seeing him much after this..
sadly u have to go kan?
kinda.. frustrated la.coz i wont be having a friend to play with in the lecture hall.
to throw papers.hehe.
anyway.. goodluck on whatever ur doing dude!go rock on UIA!
just hopefully u wont regret the path that u've chosen.
n remember that i'm here to support u till the very end taw^^
anythg u know where to find me ayte?hehehe
turon kl roger ar dude!

1 comment:

shfqemir said...

gile terharu ko wat blog untok aku.
thanks for the soooo 'SWEET' opening of ur speech.ak tau, kat kmns ak laki ko paling sayang kan?kan ilyana khatijah kan?hha
nanti free2 kte hangout skali kayh.
p/s:love you mate[=