Monday, July 26, 2010

life now

its been long since the last time ive updated my blog...
well, ive been busy with stuffs and all. plus, i didnt get the wifi service in my hostel room, so its a bit hard to blog without the internet.

omg! i forgot to mention, now im furthering my studies in UTM campus,JB.  im taking degree in computer science. actually i didnt intend to get in this course, but wth! pegi je laahh.. i rather go study than sitting home doing nothing but to goyang kaki. i felt like an idiot doing just nothing everydayy~

well, life has been fabulous up to this day. everything falls into their places. i met new friends, new roomates, new lecturer, new colleagues and of course.. new  enemy..  its not like i wanna have enemy but  they kinda sorta come to me and start pissing me off.

like  i have this girl and a boy. the boy was like.. okay at first but suddenly, he kept pissing me off. he also have B.O.! i really can accept anyone to be my friend but i really cant tolerate with ppl that have this kinda problem..  havent anyone tell him about that? and ended up when he's around.. ill try avoiding him. and makesure im not even near him. i once experience a near-death experience sitting next to him last week. "gilaaa! kaw nak bagi aku mampos ke appeee???'i thought. but i survived tha session. luckily, up till now.  n theres this one girl, she kept pissing me off. i heard she was jealous of my friends and i. and personally, i would like to ask her to GET A LIFE! buzzz off. i dont care about you and i hope u dont even care about me. i dont even care if u care about me or something. muahahahahaahah(evil laugh)

here, im having fun everydayyy along with my 5 girlfriendss.. i love love love love love love love love love love them very very vey very so much!~ i dont think i can live without them bugging me in a day..~

theres also lotsa hottie in heree~ our daily activity: cuci mata~ hahahhahaa. we was like.. "kyaaaaaaa~" when we saw a hottie~ gatal nak mampos! bile la nak tobat ni melly oiiii!

and then, i manage to get myself in a volleyball team in my college. but then, after the first practice i QUIT! why? coz the manager is so damn bitchy and she's a pain in my ass. shes always bossing ppl and criticizing us like she hv won  the olympics. i hurt my hands and arm badly, ive hurt myself mentally. and so i left. hahahaha

well, thats enough for today.. im blogging at my faculty's computer..  my friend is waiting for me to finish typing~ so im kinda in a rush right now~(sorry athenn). i still got lots of stories to telllll~ but till next time.

have fun everyday~~~~~~~~

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