1- do NOT act big on text messages, and IM if you cannot back it up in person.
2- tell her that you love her, and why you love her.
she likes to be reminded.
3- NEVER say ‘i love you’ on the first date, those are 3 powerful words, make them mean something.
4- there is never an excuse to break up with me and go after one of my bestfriends, or worse my sister/cousin.
5- compliments make the world go ‘round.
6- baseball shirts are hot,
7- kissing on the cheek, forehead, hand is sweet.
we don’t always need you to shove your tounge down our throats.
8- call just to say good-morning, good-night, or just see how we are doing, we like that.
9- if its cold, let her wear your sweater; let her take it home for a couple nights.
10- if you are doing something with another girl that you wouldn’t want us to see don’t do it; think if we were doing that with another guy, would you want us to be doing it ?
11- we like you for you; don’t go and try to be mr.big man in front of us.
12- listen to her when she speaks; or at least pretend to.
13- honesty is the key.
14- she may hug other guys and talk to other guys, but NONE of them will every mean as much to her as you do.
15- DO NOT LEAD US ON, you will get stabbed.
16- we think that your flaws are what make you perfect.
because no guy understands that they don’t need to be perfect to impress us.
17- most of the time when we send you a song, it usually relates to you in some way.
18- secretly she will always have a song that reminds her of you, if you have one that reminds you of her, tell her.
19- don’t you DARE ask me if you can hold my hand or kiss me, if you want to feel free to, it will show your macho-ness.
20- come up from behind her and hold her waist, she wants you to .
21- you are the guy. YOU talk to her first on msn, YOU text her first, YOU go up to her and say hi, you are the guy, that is YOUR job.
22- if your going to cheat on us, have the decency to call us before hand and tell us its over, its much better getting dumped then finding out you were with another girl.
23- listen to her when she tells you what looks good on you, take her advice because usually she is telling you the truth.
24- AXE is a good scent but do not soak yourself in it, btw; just because you put it on, will NOT get you lucky.
25- do not get mad at her for her mistakes, if she says sorry forgive her.
26- if you tell me you are going to call me, or text me all day, or that we are going to hang out all day; MAKE SURE TO FOLLOW THOUGH.. asshole.
27- gifts are great; if you don’t know what to get her, think about it shes a girl ? flowers, teddy bears, a neckles, a braclet are always great ideas; if you dont have the money, write her a poem and read it to her, write her a song and sing it to her, (even if your horrible at singing).
28- you might not think it makes a difference, but “LOVE YOU” and “I LOVE YOU” are two diffrent things; make the effort to put the extra i at the beginning, and seriously ”
29- tell her what you mean: if you dont like something shes doing, TELL HER, she will probley try to stop it for you.
31- whisper in her ear.
32- actualy GET to know her.
33- if you forget her birthday; your screwed!
34- IF YOU DARE brake up with her on text, MSN, or an email, she will/has permisssion to brake your neck, grow a set of balls ? (:
35- even if the converstion between you two is dieing over msn/text message , you better keep resonding to her; oh and smiley faces do make a diffrenece..
example: hi :) or hi.
exampletwo: ok :) or ok.
see what i mean, ?
36- we want the best for you, cigarettes, weed and alcohol are NOT it; we are not trying to change you, because that isn’t you.
37- play with our hair- and let US play with YOURS; we will be really impressed if you let us touch you hair.
38- if we walk away from you, in our heads we are just begging for you to chase after us.
39- call her “beautiful, stunning, gourgeous,” not “a babe, hot, sexy, SMOKIN’ ” really now ?
40- call her love, and darling, and sweetheart.
this makes you seem like you want her for a long time.
instead of just saying babe or chicka or sexy.
41- talk dirty to her; she might act like she doesn’t like it, but she does. - d.k ♥ .
43- don’t call her fat; even as a joke, she may begin to start to really think it (DON’T CALL HER MASSIVE ETHIER -.-)
44- when you hug, don’t let her go..
45- walk her home.
46- if you leave without saying goodbye, we will give you the silent treatment for a couple of days, so watch yourself .
47- don’t you dare suggest that you make your relationship “secret”. like, WTH. if you love her, you want to share the fact that you got her with the whole entire world.. or anyone who’ll listen.
48- don’t give one armed hugs, they are horrible and they make it seem like you want nothing to do with her. even if you are holding something, put it down just to hug her.
49- when we say we hate you, we usually don’t mean it. so don’t you EVER say it back because it will most likely break our hearts & we’ll stay up wondering if you meant it or not.
+ hate is a strong word.
50- a response to twentyeight; don’t you dare say i love you, if you don’t mean it.. also, make sure the first time you say it is in person.
51- when you get nervous around her, like, when you’re about to kiss for the first time or maybe even her smile makes you nervous and you get that feeling in your stomach that bothers the hell out of you; yet you don’t want it to leave.. tell her. it’s adorable.
52- tell her she’s a hell of a lot more beautiful than megan fox.. this one’s not required, but it would make her day. ;]
53- .. let’s just say your voice best be the last thing she hears before she goes to sleep at night.
54- dedicate things to her; a song, a certain word, a show. anything, it just has to mean something.
55- we love the way you say our name, it’s just so perfect. well, to tell you the truth, we love every single thing you say, so don’t stress on how to sound perfect.. dont argue because to us, you always do.
56- swearing does not make you sound cool.
you stub your toe *fuuuuck!*
lose in a game *shiit, fuuucking dumbaass!*
.. no, just stop. it makes you seem like a very violent person, and we start to wonder what you may act like when you get really mad.
57- if we slap you, you probably deserved it.. but just know we wouldn’t try to actually HURT you.
BTW; slap us back and it’s done.
58- if some guy is bothering your girl, you better be by her side.. or beating the shiiit out of him.
59- even if you hate it, come along to a chick flick once in a while.. don’t just complain about how much you hate love movies. honestly, if you go along with her, she’ll see how much she means to you & it’ll be a sweet date.
60- ask her before you assume something; before you do something you will regret.
61- if she askes you whats wrong, ANSWER HER.
62- if you are going to talk to another girl; don’t do it on PUBLIC facebook posts.
63- if she did something that bugs you; don’t go all “k” “alright” “true” “ok” on her, tell her what she did wrong.
64- music makes a first impression.
65- ask her on a date, its cute.
66- being a dick then saying ‘oh well i thought you were mad at me’ is NOT a good excuse, if you think shes mad at you, don’t get mad at her, make the effort to make sure she forgives you, and she might not even be mad at you, but you being an dick-that can get her mad pretty easily.
67- if your going to hang out with other girls, either make sure no one she talks to sees- or tell her before one of her friends do.
by the way; she will get even.
68- make sure she knows she can trust you that even if you hang out with other girls , that shes the only one you truly care about.
69- if you are going to brake up with her, tell her why.
don’t just be like ‘kay its over’ , give her an explanation.
70- if your going to tell her a song reminds you of her; make sure it has a meaning, don’t just be like ‘oh the song replay reminds me of you because it says shorty in it and your my shorty’ like wtf ? tell her like ‘jump than fall’ reminds you of her, because you won’t leave her.
71- you see her anywhere (halls at school, mall, restarant, etc) you best go say hi to her, you are the guy you go up to her say hello kiss her, thats all she needs.
72- don’t be afraid to kiss her in public;if she’ll think your embarrassed to be with her.
73- if you want to be alone with her tell her; chances are she wants to be alone with you too.
74- if she tells you a secret and you brake up do not use that or anything to ‘blackmail’ her, biggest dick move.
75- if you haven’t seen her in a couple days, it might be a good idea to call her; tell her your okay and ask her how shes doing, etc.
76- if she goes to kiss you and you back away- i hope she pushes you down the stairs.
77- take her dog for a walk(idk i find that sweeet).
78- if she has a paper route, or sears delivary, help her with it.
79- do things without being asked.
80- if you’re going to all sweet and cute on msn then you should really take that personaltiy and bring it in person.
81- don’t just hold her when you two are alone, you better be able to do it around other people .
82- When she pushes you or hits you like a dumb-ass because she thinks shes stronger than you grab her and don’t let go.
83- when she ignores you give her your attention.
84- when she pulls away, pull her back.
85- when you see her start crying, just hold her and don’t say a word.
86- when you see her walking, sneak up and hug her waist from behind.
87- when she doesn’t answer for a long time, reassure her that everything is okay .
88- when she grabs at your hands, hold her’s and play with her fingers .
89- when she looks at you in your eyes, dont look away until she does .
90- Call her everyday and stay on the phone, even if shes not saying a sound.
92- Treat her like shes all that matters to you.
93- Give her the world.
94- when you are with her and your friends, or her and other girls, you can talk to them; but sometimes make her feel like shes the only one you see.
95- talk to her about everything, she doesnt just want to be your girlfriend, she wants to be your best friend.
96- kiss her in the pouring rain.
97- get her flowers just because.
98- write her a letter and mail it to her house telling her how you feel.
99- walk her to class.
100- kiss her softly and tell her you love her, let that be the last two things you do when you say farewell.
101- Don’t expect us to do everything you want too, we aren’t sluts.
102- We don’t want to be your whole life, just your favorite part.
103- try and plan activity before you hang out, makes it look like you actully care.
104- We like when you tickle us, but don’t take it too far because then it just hurts.
105- Girls, remind him that you do love him, it shouldnt always be their jobs, make them feel special too.
107- girls, don’t try to act slutty or dumb to impress a guy, yea some guys like that, but some guys will just think you look - like a fail.
108- if you haven’t seen her in like a week, make the effort to clear your agenda, and spend a day or a couple hours with her.
109- be clingy but not too clingy; just clingy enough to show her you care.
110- dont answer with, ‘yea’ ‘ok’ ‘mhm’ ‘true’s she’ll think somethings bugging you.
111- If we are coming over dont leave your facebook page open to one of our friends pictures.
113- if you say your going to text me at noon, text me at noon..
114- if we were suppose to hang out Saturday DO NOT text me and say we can hangout sunday, i wanted to hangout today.
115- Dont expect me to always be ready to hangout whenever you want too, theres two people in this relationship.
116- if you want to break up with her talk to her about it first or just do it, don’t make her sit there wondering when you are going to do it.
117- if you usaully say ‘i love you so much bye, (L)(K):D’ and that changes too ‘iloveyou, bye (L)’ shes going to know somethings up.
118- call her beautiful, all the time.
119- if she tells you she likes when you do something, do it, but not all the time;
120- just tell her you love her; don’t let her forget it..
121- even if all she says is ‘k’ on a text message repond to her.
122- girls give your guy some space somtimes, hes a guy, sometimes he just needs some guy time.
123- be cligny, but don’t be a pain in the ass.
124- send her random bits of cute songs.
125- i don’t care if your a horrible singer, sing to her.
126- tell her how much you miss her on a daily basis, if you just saw her a couple hours ago tell her you miss her.
127- do not play girls, please. it hurts.
128- if you really ‘love’ someone they should be the only one on your mind, that goes for guys and girls.
129- if you want to just be friends, please say so..
130- don’t make her suffer, if you think tings aren’t working out, or you have something on your mind thats going to make you act differently, please talk to her about it.
131- if you are going to flirt with everyone even though you have a girlfriend, maybe you should just be single.
132- listening is key, if you ask her something and she answers you, then 20 mintues later you ask her the same question shes going to get pissed off.
133- if you are walking beside her, grab her hand, and hold on to it.
134- hold her and kiss her infront of your friends ;
135- if shes cold, keep her warm.
136- for girls, don’t always be paranoid.
137- look into her eyes, like your looking through her, and tell her simply, ’ i love you ‘
138- its every girls dream to be kissed in the rain,
139- if you say ‘you are my everything’ you better mean it.
140- everytime you see her go up to her and just say hi, hug her and kiss her, than leave, it will mean the world to her.
141- girls, do give him some love to, make him know you love him; don’t let him forget it.
142- if you tell her best friend that you are going to dump her, don’t expect her to not hear about it.
143- if you are going to dump her tomorrow, do not make plans with her for the day after.
145- if you don’t love her, than just let her go fast, before you just keep on letting her fall even harder, and harder and harder just to find out your not at the bottom to catch her.
146- if you love her why break up with her.
147- ‘don’t beg for love, if its real love; you shouldn’t have to’ -dornakhakpour♥ .
148-i saw this on a quote thing; but for girls, don’t ake him your everything cause when he leaves you have nothing.
149- run up to her and hug her from behind.
150- just look at her, just kinda stare into her eyes.
152- if you really love her, you wouldn’t let her go; you’d hold and and try to hold on for dear life- thats the thing, you would try.
153- don’t fuck around.
154- there is a diffrence between a fight and an arguement.
155- realize she is worth fighting for.
156- ^ fight for her, because she most likely fights like hell for you.
157- when shes sad, try to cheer her up.
158- usually when she says shes fine, shes not.
159- ‘oh she doesn’t look crushed’ dude you cannot see a broken heart, that doesn’t mean its not there.
160- you have something on your mind, talk to her.
161- theres a huge diffrence between ‘night’ and ‘GOOD night’ make the effort.
162- things might be better if you two were just freinds.
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