Wednesday, November 11, 2009

at college

its only the second day of class but there's a lot of homework and assignment assign to us.. ugh. tired la. i dont even have time to check my phone n text ppl... so sad.
then i was forbidden to go back home this weekend by my lecturer coz we hav a thing going on for us.
tadi pon mento menti ta pegi sbb amek blazer n g attend that so call taklimat yg bosan tuh.
tamaw pegi situ~ na balek uma~

jaja .. appa..
sry that i cudnt join u guys watching muviee this saturday..
its my idea at first but its me that cudnt go... sorry.~
i miss u guys..

well, its studying time for me. so gotta go.
i mite be away for a while coz busy studying.
emir, dnt miss me taw!

1 comment:

shfqemir said...

alamak babe,oredi missed u^^